We've been looking for years for a Mulefoot Boar to breed,
and haven't been able to find a fella for the job.
We generally have a fairly closed herd (we raise most of our own stock),
but recently brought in two Registered Mulefoot gilts and boars. This year we bred our
Mulefoot gilts to a Red Wattle, and while we expect beautiful animals out of that breeding,
we are excited to be able to breed our own pure Mulefoot hogs,
in part because that will help to preserve such a rare heritage breed.
Livestock farming is all about long-range planning.
Conventional hog farms raise a pig to size (from birth to 200 lbs.) in 5 months.
Most of our heritage breeds grow to size in 9-10 months.
Mulefoot grow more slowly- with an average age at slaughter (on our farm) of a year or more.
These little guys will have piglets next spring (2015)
and those piglets will be ready for harvest in the spring of 2016. |
Hi, do you have Mulefoot piglets for sale?